Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sooo Lower class

This is what is expected of me, soo ....

According to David Cross, helen is lower class, just because helen isnt going away with elizabeth next year. Dad has just bought a new ice-cream van, so she can't afford it. So, i dont know who David thinks he is but God man get a hair cut, before calling her lower class.

I'm not just sticking up for her as she's my sister, but you two don't have the right to say she is lower class, when you both are soo far up her arse, you don't even know where each one of yous start or finish.

Elizabeth, You say Cassy bums Helen, have you seen your self with helen, i dont think so.. as you are worser than they are. By the way your talking you make it sound like your jealous of them two.

David Cross, i dont even know why you are getting involved, its got nothing to do with you ! Its something to do with the group and you wasnt really in the group. All you did was flirt with each one of them, as you think your beaut enough that they will all fall for you, sorry love but no.

BTW, im getting involved because you are calling helen lower class, so you are kinda calling the rest of the family it, and it so has something to do with me, not you david.

Now, ive said it all, you can get david Cross to come and bitch on my blog.


davidd said...

Im so proud of you :)
I swear t god David, say anything about Lauren and it'll be me ya need to worry about next.

LaurieLeigh said...

My Moths working over time there Davidd ;)

Helennn Louise said...

Go Lauren's moths!

Talk about getting it off your chest, sis!

Love You *huggles*

LaurieLeigh said...

Even tho my English isnt perfect, getting better tho :D:D

Helennn Louise said...

You rebel! You should be doing school work not being on blogger *gaspeth*

Ah, your English will soon get better, hopefully :P



Cassiopeia said...

Go Lauren :)

In fact I don't know why I'm bothering to post on this, being so much better than you an all :D

love yews! *kiss*

Helennn Louise said...

Seeing as she's sooo upper class, who nominates we just make the Besties lower class.

Say aye if you'd like to vote Cassy out :D

[[upper class sket :P]]

Cassiopeia said...

*cries into my caviar*

pleeeease don't kick me out, you're my only friends

Helennn Louise said...

*laughs evilly*

Oooh, we'll need to have one of those orienteering days where we make you do silly things...

So then you'll be soooo lower class. :D

We'll get you to roll in mud, eat with your fingers, down a bottle of beer... *dreams of all the cool things we could do*

Helennn Louise said...

initiation day** sorry :D

[[Remembered after I clicked send :|]]

Cassiopeia said...

*does this face* (you may have to turn and look at me)

can't wait

Helennn Louise said...


It'll be soo much fun!

You in guys?!


We'll squirt cream mustaches on your face too and get Rambo to lick them off :D

Cassiopeia said...

NO! Seriously, I'll do anything but that one! *cries*

how about, you lick it off

That I can do :D

Helennn Louise said...


Tis a date my friend, tis a date

Cassiopeia said...

:D lols